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The game

  • The players take turns throwing their corn bags onto the cornhole platform.
    If you throw a bag in the hole you get 3 points and one on the platform 1 point.
    The scores are subtracted and the difference in points is added to the total score of the player with the most points out of the turn.
    Play continues until one player reaches the score of 21 points with a minimum difference of 2 points.
    The game is also very suitable to be played in tournament form, individually or in teams.

Organize your own tournament with friends or family; > download the tournament schedules here or view the rules here



Verbeter je tactiek met vier verschillende worpen:

The Slide

The Push

The Block

The Airmail

American cornhole league

De finale voor 25.000 dollar Lane vs Dotson

In Amerika zijn er grote prijzen tot wel $ 35.000,- met cornhole te verdienen.

De grote toernooien van de American Cornhole Assiciation worden zelfs op ESPN uitgezonden.


Cornhole Nederland organiseerde een origineel en gezellig personeelsfeest bij Karo BV in Zwaagdijk.
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